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الأربعاء 12 فبراير-شباط 2025

Gen al-Arada Convenes Executive Service Offices of Marib

الثلاثاء 21 نوفمبر-تشرين الثاني 2023 الساعة 02 مساءً / Marib Governorate

Major General Sultan al-Arada, Vice President of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC), chaired a meeting on Tuesday with directors of executive service offices, including public works, electricity, water, telecommunications, industry and trade, traffic, and the Marib City Directorate.


The meeting, which also included the Head of the Technical Office, the Chief Prosecutor, and the Director General of Police and Legal Affairs, focused on evaluating the progress of service and infrastructure projects in the governorate's capital and directorates, in line with the current year's plans.

Discussions also addressed project plans for the upcoming year, aiming to meet the needs of the population and enhance infrastructure capabilities to accommodate development, construction, traffic, investment activities, and the transition to the recovery and reconstruction phase.

Vice President al-Arada commended the efforts and achievements of Executive Services Offices in recent years, despite significant challenges, including resource and capacity constraints, the pressure to meet the needs of a rapidly growing population due to the influx of displaced people from other governorates, and the pressures resulting from the Houthi militia's war against the governorate.

He emphasized the importance of collaboration among all offices in planning and implementing projects and infrastructures to ensure integration, efficient completion, and optimal utilization of available resources.

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