الوكيل الباكري يفتتح مبنى الطوارئ في مستشفى الجثوة بمديرية الوادي
مدارس الأمل بمأرب تكرم أوائل طالباتها المتفوقات ومعلماتها المبرزات
العرادة يوجه شركة صافر برفع كميات الوقود الخام لمحطات كهرباء عدن
جامعة إقليم سبأ تكرم 172 من أوائل طلابها خلال العام الجامعي 2023م - 2024م
جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا بمأرب تكرم أوائل الطلبة والمبرزين
تنفيذي مأرب يناقش تقارير أداء مكتبي الصحة والصناعة والتجارة
ندوة توعوية توصي بإنشاء مركز متخصص لعلاج الأورام السرطانية بمأرب
Presidential Leadership Council (PLC) Vice President Sultan al-Arada received Abdullah Shouria, the Ambassador of Somalia to Yemen, to discuss avenues for strengthening bilateral relations between Yemen and Somalia across all sectors in the upcoming phase.
During the meeting, various issues of mutual interest between the Yemeni and Somali governments were discussed, with particular focusing on the state of the communities and devising solutions to prominent problems and challenges.
Additionally, the meeting reviewed recent regional and international developments, emphasizing the significance of enhancing security cooperation and coordination between relevant agencies on both the Yemeni and Somali sides to safeguard global trade routes and counter smuggling networks.
Al-Arada emphasized the PLC and government's eagerness to bolster cooperation and joint coordination among relevant authorities, encompassing political, security, economic, and developmental domains, as well as social and humanitarian aspects, aiming to advance mutual interests and benefit both nations.
On his part, the Somali Ambassador conveyed gratitude and appreciation for the fruitful cooperation and the range of services provided to the Somali community across various fields.