آخر تحديث:- منذ 40دقيقة
الجمعة 19 إبريل-نيسان 2024

Undersecretaries of MOI inspect Immigration and Passports Authority Dep. in Marib

الأربعاء 24 أكتوبر-تشرين الأول 2018 الساعة 11 مساءً / MARIB

 Undersecretaries of Ministry of the Interior Major General Mohammed Salem bin Aboud Al-Sharif, and Major General Dr. Ahmed Al-Mousay inspected the progress of work in the department of the Immigration and Passports Authority in Marib Governorate.


During the visit, they checked the various sections of the department, the process of issuing or renewing the passports, and the procedures taken to ensure the safety and security of the passports issued by the branch.


The two undersecretaries also stressed the need to redouble efforts to facilitate the completion of transactions of citizens and provide the branch with the necessary material and human resources to enable it to perform its functions perfectly.

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