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الأربعاء 24 إبريل-نيسان 2024

Saudi Arabia announces Marib Airport project

الإثنين 12 نوفمبر-تشرين الثاني 2018 الساعة 07 مساءً / MARIB
Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to Yemen, the director of the Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen (SDRPY), Mohamed al-Jaber , announced on Saturday the reconstruction of Marib Int’l Airport in the governorate. The Saudi Ambassador said, in an interview with Al Arabiya news channel, that a US design firm which designed Chicago airport as well as airports in Saudi Arabia, is behind the design of Marib airport. He said that the Marib Airport will cater to two million passengers per year, mentioning the airport project will provide 5000 direct jobs and 10,000 indirect jobs for the Yemenis.

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