آخر تحديث:- منذ 04دقيقة
السبت 20 إبريل-نيسان 2024

  Official: 95% of project to link Marib with Gas Power Plant completed

الإثنين 26 مارس - آذار 2018 الساعة 05 مساءً / Marib-gov.


Head of the Rural Electricity Authority and a member of the High Supervisory Committee for the Gas Electricity Project in Marib Abdullah Hajar confirmed that over 95% of the project of Marib gas station power plant to link the city with power has completed.
Hajar said in a statement that that the total cost of re-operating the gas station was $ 35 million and $ 337,000.
Hagar noted that the company has finished the construction of 65 out of 80 electrical towers, leaving only 15 towers to be completed during the coming period.
He noted that after the completion of the first phase of supplying Marib city with power , the second phase will start to raise the capacity to more than 100 k. in order to provide electricity for all villages and districts of Marib governorate.

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