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الثلاثاء 23 إبريل-نيسان 2024

French delegation meets with security officials, representatives of political parties in Marib

الخميس 31 مايو 2018 الساعة 02 صباحاً / MARIB

The French delegation headed by the member of the Senate of France,
Nathalie Goulet, met Wednesday with senior security officials and representatives of the political parties and social dignitaries in Marib province.

The high-profile delegation included several members of the French Senate and the French ambassador to our country.

During the meeting the Chief of Security in the Province, Brigadier Abdulmalik Al-Madani briefed the delegation on reasons for maintaining security in the province." It is the well trained security servicemen and cooperation with locals that helped to reestablish in the province", said al-Mandani.

The delegation was introduced to the politicians' opinions about the conditions to make sustainable peace. They noted that the militia will only come to peace if Iran stops supplies them with weapons and funds.

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