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الأربعاء 12 فبراير-شباط 2025

Chairman of the PLC Meets Military Leaders, Applauds Strong Combat Readiness

الأربعاء 01 مايو 2024 الساعة 01 صباحاً / Marib Governorate


His Excellency President Rashad al-Alimi, Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC) and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, alongside PLC members Sultan al-Arada, Dr. Abdullah al-Alimi, and Othman Mujalli, presided over an extensive military meeting that included Chief of General Staff Lt. Gen. Sagheer bin Aziz, and several military and security officials in Marib city.


The PLC Chairman and members were briefed by the Chief of the General Staff and military commanders on the status of the armed forces, highlighting advancements in training, qualifications, and their exceptional combat readiness at both tactical and strategic levels.

The PLC Chairman commended the armed and security forces for their exemplary discipline and combat readiness, acknowledging the bravery exhibited by soldiers and members of the popular resistance across various battlefronts against Iran-backed Houthi militias.

"Today, Marib, along with its entire populace, symbolizes hope, just as it did when it adamantly opposed and thwarted the Imamate project supported by the Iranian regime," President Al-Alimi said.


He also highlighted the significant progress achieved by the Ministry of Defense and the Chief of Staff in enhancing fighter efficiency and supplying the army with skilled personnel, urging them to redouble their efforts to develop all sectors.


He remarked, "Today, the Houthi militia has demonstrated its insincerity in seeking peace, instead using peace talks as a guise for deception and preparation for new wars. This underscores the necessity for exerting maximum effort and readiness to enforce the desired peace."


The PLC Chairman reaffirmed the Council's unanimous stance on national issues and pledged unwavering support in meeting the needs of the army and fighters deployed across various fronts.

In attendance at the meeting was Major General Saleh al-Maqaleh, Director of the PLC Chairman's Office.

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