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Saturday 27 July 2024

Marib: First anniversary of Layan's death in Houthi missile attack

Monday 06 June 2022 / Marib


The Human Rights Ministry office and a number of rights groups and activists marked in Marib the first anniversary of the death of little girl Layan Taher in a Houthi missile attack in the same city.


Three-year-old Layan was killed and incinerated along with 20 other civilians including her father in a Houthi ballistic missile attack on a gas station in the city, an attack that later became known as 'Layan's incineration'.


The activists said this is a reminder of the terrorist Houthi militia's crimes against civilians in Yemen in general and in Marib in particular.


They called on the international community to take a serious stance against the terrorist Houthi militia by holding them accountable, designating them as a terror organization and prosecuting their leaders in international courts.

