مناقشة مشاريع وتدخلات منظمة DKH الألمانية في مأرب بدء تدريب فرق في مجال التخطيط والتنمية الحضرية بمأرب تنفيذي مأرب يناقش نتائج زيارة رئيس الوزراء الأخيرة إلى المحافظة جامعة إقليم سبأ تحتفل بتخريج 65 طالباً وطالبة من كلية العلوم الإدارية توزيع حقائب وزي مدرسي لـ1500 طالب وطالبة بمأرب بتمويل تركي رئيس الوزراء: مأرب هي العمود الصلب الذي ترتكز عليه دعائم الجمهورية لقاء تشاوري بمأرب يناقش دور المدافعين في حماية وتعزيز حقوق الانسان
Local Authority of Marib governorate represented by the Deputy Governor Ali al-Fatimi held discussions today, Sunday, with the Regional Director of the World Food Program (WFP) for the Middle East and North Africa Corrine Fleischer who is visiting Marib now.
Fleischer arrived in Marib along with high-profile delegation on a work visit aims to get first-hand information about the humanitarian situations in the governorate which is hosting about 73 percent of the total Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) in Yemen.
The Representative of the WFP in Yemen Richard Regan and the team of the WFP Office in Marib engaged in the discussions which covered a range of topics relating to the situations of the IDPs, the hosting community, the pressing needs of the IDPs, challenges facing the local authority and the required interventions by the WFP to help addressing the food gap in the governorate.
Al-Fatimi provided a detailed presentation about the humanitarian situations in the governorate, the local authority efforts to help the large number of the IDPs and the needed interventions by the WFP to manage the food gap in the governorate.
For her part Fleischer demonstrated understanding about the challenges facing the local authority, promising to exert more efforts along with the Representative of the WFP to continue the WFP's humanitarian interventions, diversify, better organize and deliver to the people in need.