Marib Executive Office Takes Action on Prices Reforms and Security
الموضوع: محليات


In an extraordinary meeting, the Marib Governorate's Executive Office, led by PLC Vice President Sultan al-Arada, took swift action on key issues related to price reforms and the implementation of decisions issued by the legitimate government, which in their entirety serve the public interest and the economy and enhance revenues. The decisions focused on curbing the black market, supporting security forces, and navigating crucial price reforms.

The Executive Office extended its praise to the security and military institutions for their commitment to maintaining Marib's stability and tranquility. Recognizing their vital role in upholding public safety, the Office affirmed its support for their crucial national, and legal duties. The PLC VP al-Arada provided an explanation of the recent price reforms, acknowledging the challenging economic environment and the disruption of critical resources by Houthi militia.

He emphasized Marib's resilience and ability to overcome adversity, pointing to its development successes amidst conflict. Al-Arada urged citizens to embrace shared responsibility and combat negativity, focusing instead on upholding security, stability, and the governorate's bright future.

Marib Governorate
الإثنين 01 يناير-كانون الثاني 2024
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