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السبت 18 مايو 2024

UN envoy to Yemen meets Marib's official and political figures, intends to visit the province

الأربعاء 07 نوفمبر-تشرين الثاني 2018 الساعة 07 مساءً / MARIB
UN Special envoy to Yemen meets Marib official and political figures, intends to visit Marib UN special envoy for Yemen Martin Griffiths stressed on Tuesday the importance of the role played by the province of Marib at various levels. In a meeting with official and political figures and representatives of civil society organizations from Marib governorate in the Jordanian capital Amman, he stated his intention to visit the Marib and Hadramout provinces. "We recognize the importance of the role played by the province of Marib, and I will visit the provinces of Marib and Hadramout, although my visit to Marib province is more important, closer and easier." ". For their part, the officials and representatives of civil society organizations from Marib assured the UN envoy of the importance of achieving peace and that the Yemeni people are all aspiring for peace.

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