آخر تحديث:- منذ 37دقيقة
السبت 18 مايو 2024

Improving basic services discussed in Marib

الخميس 07 مارس - آذار 2019 الساعة 01 صباحاً / MARIB


The Governor of Marib governorate Major General Sultan Al-Arada met on Wednesday with the directors of the governorate districts and discussed with them the level of basic services provided for citizens and ways of improving them.


During the meeting attended by his deputies Ali Fatimi, Dr. Abdurbo Miftah and Abdullah al-Bakri; the governor stressed the importance of the continuation of the development work and strategic planning of service projects, and working on the necessary studies for basic and emergency projects in all districts.


Gen. Al-Arrada urged the directors to redouble efforts to overcome all the difficulties and challenges brought on by the current crisis caused by Houthi militia coup .


The governor emphasized the importance of the local authorities in the districts to assume its responsibilities in strengthening security and stability, reactivating the state institutions and providing basic services .

He pointed out that the leadership of the province seeks through the available means, and with support from the Arab Coalition, mainly Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, to implement a number of important strategic projects in the province.

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