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السبت 18 مايو 2024

Marib celebrates International Human Rights Day

الأربعاء 11 ديسمبر-كانون الأول 2019 الساعة 07 مساءً / Marib


Marib Governorate celebrated ,on Tuesday, International Human Rights Day, which is marked every year on December 10 th. .


At a speech ceremony organized by the office of Human Rights Ministry in the governorate in cooperation with civil society organizations under the slogan "Youth for Human Rights", the Deputy Governor of Marib for Administrative Affairs Abdullah Al-Bakri pointed out the celebration of this international day is a reminder of the natural rights that people enjoy and that must be preserved, highlighting the violations that affect these rights in any place in the world.

He also mentioned the multiple human violations committed by the Iranian-backed Houthi militia against Yemeni people, condemning the silence of the international community on these violations committed by Houthi militia in the areas under its control.


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