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السبت 11 مايو 2024

Deputy Governor discusses with NGOs situation of IDPs in Marib

الخميس 01 مارس - آذار 2018 الساعة 09 مساءً / MARIB-SABA

The Deputy Governor of Marib Abd-Rabbu Miftah has discussed with NGOs the issue of people internally displaced to Marib as a result of the ongoing conflict.

A group of NGOs representatives met with him on Thursday and submitted to him a copy of their joint statement regarding the lack of effective role by international and regional humanitarian organizations in Marib. The statement called on international relief agencies to open up offices in the government-held city to help in addressing the displacement issue closely since Marib hosts hundreds of thousands of IDPs from different Yemeni provinces.

The meeting discussed the pressure on services in the city and the local government's struggle to meet their needs in education, health, power, water and roads.

كلمات دالّة

Marib Mareb