بدء دورة تأهيلية في مجال حقوق الإنسان بمأرب مكتب الصحة بمأرب : تقديم 8 ملايين و 266 ألف خدمة صحية للمواطنين خلال 2024 صندوق النظافة بمأرب يستعرض إنجازاته ومشاريعه خلال 2024م ( انفوجرافيك) لقاء موسع يناقش الوضع الإنساني والخدمي في مخيم الجفينة بمأرب منتسبو القطاع الصحي بمأرب ينددون بجرائم الاحتلال بحق مستشفيات وأطباء غزة (صور) الباكري يدشن اختبارات الفصل الدراسي الأول في المعهد المهني الصناعي بمأرب تنفيذي مأرب يناقش تقارير الأداء لعدد من المكاتب في المحافظة
The Ambassador of the Netherlands to the Republic of Yemen Peter-Derrek Hof highly praised the significant achievements made by Marib governorate local authority in managing the development and construction amid war-time, and successfully hosting large numbers of the Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) and integrating them in the hosting community. The Dutch Ambassador arrived in Marib governorate on a work visit to get first-hand information about the humanitarian situation and challenges in the governorate which has received the largest portion of the IDPs in the country. He described his trip as important to get familiar with situations in the governorate. " My trip was excellent and important to know about the situations on the ground including the local authority's efforts, achievements and the challenges it has been facing due to the huge numbers of the IDPs in the governorate', said Mr. Hof at the conclusion of the visit to Marib. During his visit the Dutch diplomat paid field visits to the IDPs camps where he got first-hand information about the humanitarian situation of the IDPs, the humanitarian interventions and the pressing needs that must be addressed.