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الأحد 19 مايو 2024

Marib..twenty six war-traumatized children rehabilitated

الإثنين 14 مايو 2018 الساعة 06 مساءً / MARIB

Wethaq Foundation for Civil Orientation celebrated on Sunday the rehabilitation of 26 children traumatized by the ongoing conflict between the government and the Houthi militant rebels.

The rehabilitation in the government-held city of Marib is part of a continuous project that Wethaq implements with support from King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KSrelief).

The project targets children traumatized because of their participation in the armed conflict or experiencing the horrors of the war.

Psychologists and consultants subjected the children to a month of de-radicalization and rehabilitation. Since it was initiated in August 2017, the project has rehabilitated 161 children and it will continue to rehabilitate more ex-child soldiers as they get arrested fighting in the ranks of the Houthi rebels.

The Iran-backed Houthi rebel militia has always depended on child fighters.

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