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السبت 18 مايو 2024

Efforts of combating dengue inspected, awareness course conducted in Marib’s Al-Wadi district

الأحد 01 يوليو-تموز 2018 الساعة 06 مساءً / Exclusive-Marib


The Director General of the Health and Population Office in Marib province Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Shaddadi on Saturday visited Hussoun Al-Jalal area in Al-Wadi district, inspecting the medical services provided in the main hospital in.

Al-Shaddadi and the accompanying team were briefed on the health situation in the area, the efforts exerted in the framework of combating dengue fever and preventing the further spread of the epidemic.


In a related contexts ,Marib’s Health and Population Office conducted an awareness training session for a field team on ways and mechanisms to combat dengue, as part of the efforts carried out by the office to address the spread of the epidemic.

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