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الأربعاء 15 مايو 2024

Saba University opens admission tests for master programs

الإثنين 17 سبتمبر-أيلول 2018 الساعة 05 مساءً / MARIB

The rector of the University of Sheba Dr. Mohammed Al-Qadasi and his deputy for Graduate Studies Dr. Hussein Al-Mousaie launched on Sunday the admission tests into master programs for the first time in Marib province.

The master degrees will be in four applied and humanitarian fields.

During the inauguration, Dr.Al-Qadasi pointed out that 178 applicants for postgraduate studies are competing for 80 seats distributed in four disciplines, including Quran and Science, Arabic Language and Literature, Mathematics and Computer Science, at a rate of 20 seats for each specialization.

Al-Qadasi pointed out that the university, which was established in 2016, has come a long way in the constructionof the halls, administrative offices, and in the organization of administrative work.

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