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الأحد 19 مايو 2024

Workshop highlights the effects of the war on education in Marib

الأربعاء 19 سبتمبر-أيلول 2018 الساعة 06 مساءً / Exclusive-Marib


   Marib’s Girls Foundation organized on Thursday a workshop on the effects of war on education and illiteracy among displaced people from the district of Serwah in Marib Governorate.
The workshop aimed to assess the impact of the war on the educational process in Serwah and to communicate with the relevent authorities on the return of education.

Yasmin al-Qadi, head of Marib’s Girls Foundation, confirmed that the workshop targeted 20 participants including teachers and social figures from the IDPs of Serwah’s.

She said that participants discussed ways and mechanisms to restore the educational process and the difficulties the students experience in the displacement camps.

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