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الإثنين 06 مايو 2024

Mareb electronic site inaugurated
Mareb electronic site inaugurated

الثلاثاء 02 يناير-كانون الثاني 2018 الساعة 06 مساءً / MAREB-SABA

Deputy Governor of Mareb Abd-RabboMiftah inaugurated on Monday the official electronic website of Mareb on the World Wide Web.

The site was given the link www.marib-gov.com.

Miftah has been acquainted with the mechanism of the web, which is the formal window expressing the local authority in the province and its security and military institutions and sole officialwindow of communication with the world.

The website include ten windows, which include an English page, all reflects the activity of the province, tourist propaganda and investment opportunities.

كلمات دالّة

Marib Mareb