آخر تحديث:- منذ 46دقيقة
الجمعة 26 إبريل-نيسان 2024

National Commission of Inquiry visits the military and intelligence prisons

الخميس 29 نوفمبر-تشرين الثاني 2018 الساعة 01 صباحاً / MARIB


The delegation of the National Commission of Inquiry into human rights violations visited on Tuesday military and intelligence prisons in Marib governorate and inspected the conditions of prisoners.


The delegation met Brigadier General Naji Muneef, Military Police Commander in Marib, and Brigadier General Abdulmalik Al-Mohammadi .


The difficulties and challenges facing the services to perform their functions , the conditions of prisoners and their rights during the detention period were discussed.

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