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الجمعة 26 إبريل-نيسان 2024

Technical support for carrying out Marib City's urban design discussed

الإثنين 24 ديسمبر-كانون الأول 2018 الساعة 06 مساءً / MARIB

Governor of Marib General Sultan al-Arada discussed with Deputy of the General Authority of Lands, Survey and Urban Planning Abdullah al-Wade'i a number of cooperation programs led by technical support to the urban design of Marib City.

The two parties also discussed prequalifying the authority's branch in Marib and providing necessary support of infrastructure, technical equipment, cadre and qualifying it.

Governor expressed aspirations of the people of the province of enabling it for implementing the urban design to construct an urban city to be a capital for the province and Sheba Region.

For his part, al-Wade'i confirmed that he will work on providing support for improving Marib city and cooperation with local authority for improving the authority branch here.

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