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الثلاثاء 21 مايو 2024

VP makes phone call to Marib Governor

الأحد 01 مارس - آذار 2020 الساعة 02 صباحاً / Marib


Vice President Lieutenant General Ali Mohsen Saleh on Saturday made a phone call to the Governor of Marib, Major General Sultan Al-Arada, to get acquainted with the situation and the latest developments in the province.


During the call, VP was briefed on the efforts being exerted in the field of development and construction, as well as the heroic epics and sacrifices the army and security forces make to maintain the stability and secure the province.


Lt. Gen. Mohsen praised the steadfastness of the heroes of the army who are fighting to deter Iran-backed coup militia in various fronts, pointing out to the suffering of Yemenis due to practices and violations committed by the theocratic Houthi militias in the areas under their control.

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