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الإثنين 29 إبريل-نيسان 2024

Seven civilians wounded in Houthi ballistic missile attack

الإثنين 10 مايو 2021 الساعة 11 مساءً / Marib


Seven civilians were injured in Marib on Sunday as Houthis fired a new ballistic missile into a neighborhood in the city east of the country.

A local source told Saba, that the Iran-backed “terrorism militia fired a ballistic missile into a neighborhood in Marib at 12:30 after midnight, which led to the injury of seven civilians who were hospitalized at the moment.

“It is the fifth missile the militia fires into Marib in seven days,” said the source.

Attempting to overrun Marib, the theocratic terrorist militia has been waging a years long war that intensified as of February 6 killing and displacing thousands of people many of them are people who had fled the militia’s crackdown in the past years.

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