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الجمعة 03 مايو 2024

Right team inspects damages caused by Houthi militia's rocket in Marib neighborhood

الخميس 27 مايو 2021 الساعة 02 صباحاً / Marib


A right team from Marib's Human Rights Office and Civil Society Organization inspected Thursday damages in the house of social figure Hassan Bin Gharib and nearby houses and displaced people camps caused by ballistic rocket fired by Houthi militia on Marib yesterday.

The team heard from eyewitnesses there on horror children, women and displaced people suffered during the fall of the rocket on the neighborhood.

Director of Mairb's Human Rights Office Abd-Rabbu Judai' told Saba that the house of Bin Gharib is located at an area full of dozens of families and displaced people and there are no military targets in this area, adding that this crime is a serial of crimes targeted hundreds of civilians and displaced people.

He demanded the international community to shoulder responsibility to protect civilians and displaced people and to exert pressure on Houthi militia to stop its continuous shelling on populated neighborhoods and displaced people camps.

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