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الجمعة 03 مايو 2024

PM: Houthi militia's missile attack on gasoline station aims to spoil peace efforts

الأحد 06 يونيو-حزيران 2021 الساعة 10 مساءً / Marib


Prime Minister Dr. Ma'een Abdulmalik described the putschist Houthi militia's ballistic missile and laden-explosives drone on the gasoline station in Marib as a terrorist crime and an endeavor intended to foil the ongoing diplomatic efforts to stop the war and make peace.

He said" Houthi militia's terrorist attack on the gasoline station once again demonstrated that these criminal gangs are bloody, warmongers desperately seeking to spoil any effort aims to establish peace".

He added" this bloody carnage against the innocent civilians is the terrorist militia's practical response to the international efforts aiming to make peace".

His statements came during a telephone conversation he conducted today with the governor of Marib governoate General Sultan al-Arradah.

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