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الجمعة 26 إبريل-نيسان 2024

Marib launches CSOs training in humanitarian needs assessment

الخميس 29 مارس - آذار 2018 الساعة 05 مساءً / MARIB-SABA


The Deputy Governor of Marib Ali Al-Fatimi has inaugurated a training course for a number of civil society organizations set to undertake studying the humanitarian needs of the displaced people and the host communities in the eastern province.

The training , being implemented by the Cultural Forum of Marib Students in cooperation with the National Endowment for Democracy, aims to train 30 CSOs in the field of studying the humanitarian needs and improving the relationship between CSOs and the local communityby encouraging CSOs to respond to the communities' concerns.

The three-day course also aims to contribute to building a database about the IDPs in Marib as part of the preparations for the fair distribution of humanitarian assistance to them in the future.

During the inauguration, Al-Fatimi stressed that the current stage requires an accurate researching and assessment of the humanitarian needs in order for the voluntary organizations to have an all ready reference where aid is available for distribution.

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