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السبت 11 مايو 2024

Marib police chief meets CIVIC delegation

الثلاثاء 17 إبريل-نيسان 2018 الساعة 04 مساءً / MARIB-SABA


The Director General of Marib Police Department, Brig. Gen. Abdulmalik Al-Madani met with the delegation of the Center for Civilians in Armed Conflict (CIVIC), Nadwa Al-Dawsari, in Marib on Tuesday.

He said that the local authority and security in Marib will provide all facilities for the work of international organizations in the province and would welcome all projects that contribute to the building of state institutions and to community development.

Al-Dosari said that her organization is working to improve the protection of civilians in conflicts around the world and provide advice and technical support to governments and armies to help them develop their performance and improve their efficiency in dealing with civilians.


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