ندوة بمأرب تؤكد أهمية الاحتفاء بثورة 26 سبتمبر وتدعو لتوسيع مظاهرها الاحتفالية جامعة إقليم سبأ تحتفل لاستقبال طلابها المستجدين منظمة بريطانية تدشن مشروع التغذية المدرسية في 5 مدارس بمأرب العرادة يكرِّم طالبين من أوائل الجمهورية في اختبارات الثانوية العامة بمأرب ورشة للتعريف بمشروع الحلول التنموية القائمة على أساس مناطق النزوح بمأرب العباب يفتتح أول مدرسة متخصصة بتعليم المكفوفين في مأرب لقاء بمأرب يناقش إنشاء مركز متخصص لعلاج الأورام السرطانية في المحافظة
Sultan al-Arada, Vice President of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC), discussed various issues related to the Ministry with Major General Abdulnasser Sobaira, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior for Human and Financial Resources. The discussions covered both administrative and technical aspects.
During the meeting, al-Arada received a brief report from Sobaira on the outcomes of field visits to security agencies and units in Marib Governorate. The PLC VP commended the Ministry of Interior's efforts and urged them to develop comprehensive solutions for financial, administrative, and technical issues within the police department in Marib Governorate and other liberated areas.
Affirming continuous support, al-Arada expressed the PLC's backing, led by Chairman HE Rashad al-Alimi, for the Ministry of Interior's plans to modernize and develop the security system.
For his part, Undersecretary Sobaira appreciated the ongoing support of the PLC for the Ministry of Interior and its security services. He emphasized the crucial role played by the PLC in enabling the security services to effectively fulfill their national duty.