آخر تحديث:- منذ 06دقيقة
الجمعة 26 إبريل-نيسان 2024

Marib Executive office discusses reports of youth, sports and culture departments

الثلاثاء 05 يونيو-حزيران 2018 الساعة 11 مساءً / Exclusive-Marib

The Executive Office of Marib Governorate discussed in its periodic meeting chaired by deputy governor of Marib Ali al-Fatami the reports of the branch offices of the youth and sports and the culture ministries in the province , on Tuesday.
The meeting reviewed the progress of work for the past period and put forward proposals for solutions to overcome the difficulties and problems.

The meeting stressed the need to activate the Special Committee on market supervisory and price control under the chairmanship of deputy governor of Marib Abdullah al-Bakeri.

The meeting also dealt with the level of job discipline in all entities during the holy month of Ramadan.

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