Last Updated:- Ago 48 Minute
Friday 27 September 2024

Topics - Local

Marib governor allocates financial aid to flood victims

Marib governor allocates financial aid to flood victims

Marib local authority decides to close Qat Markets as coronavirus precaution

Safer Company: Oil Pumping Station in Serwah completely breaks down due to Houthi bombing

Dep. Governor of Marib inaugurates sanitation project

VP conducts telephone calls to Marib and Baidha Governors

Ministry of Oil: targeting Safer oil pipeline pumping station criminal, subversive action

Governor Al-Arada: Marib broke Houthi militia coup when it was at the peak of its power, and today will end it

62 Inmates released in Marib as coronavirus precaution

Marib Governor chairs meeting of emergency committee tasked with confronting coronavirus pandemic

Pres Hadi telephones Marib Governor, hails Sabais' sacrifices in defending the revolution and the republic

SPDRY provides Marib with Ambulances, Tank Trucks

VP congratulates Yasmin al-Qadhi on winning the Prize of (IWOC)

Marib's police seize 100 kgs of Hashish en route to Houthi-held areas

Marib's police seize 100 kgs of Hashish en route to Houthi-held areas

Marib takes further precautionary measures to confront coronavirus

Marib takes further precautionary measures to confront coronavirus

Sheikh Abdulwahid Al-Qebli: Marib is the shield of Yemen and our greatest interest now is defeating Houthis

MP: Efforts need to be joined to maintain Marib as a model for stability, economic recovery

Marib authority, humanitarian agencies discuss facing covid-19 together

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