Last Updated:- Ago 33 Minute
Friday 27 September 2024

Topics - Local

Marib Authority denounces Int'l Orgs for inaction towards besieged civilians in Abdiyah

Vice President phones Marib governor on latest developments

Marib Governor receives OHCHR representative in Yemen

UN High Commissioner surveys conditions of latest Houthi terror attack victims in Marib

UN official visits sites hit by Houthi strikes in Marib

New mechanism approved for distributing oil products in Marib

Houthi missile attacks kill, injure 35 civilians in Marib

Marib female students condemn int'l community's silence towards al-Abdiyah siege

Govt. condemns Houthi militia's attacks on residential areas in Marib

Marib local authority chides IC's silence toward Houthis' grave violations

President phones Marib Governor on latest developments

Governor Al-Arada: Marib will continue to be stage for regaining state, protect republic

Marib: Police bust Houthi terrorist cell planning to bomb public places

Marib deputy governor, UNICEF representative visit Kara hospital

Marib governor discusses humanitarian intervention with UNICEF team

Marib Public Health Office launches primary healthcare enhancement project

Marib local authority discusses with UNDP preparations for economic project

Deputy Marib governor discusses with Islamic Relief official increasing interventions

Comprehensive field assessment of Marib public hospitals starts

Training Course on Law Enforcement, Evidence Collection concluded in Marib

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