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السبت 04 مايو 2024

Griffiths meets political parties, CSOs, women and youth groups in Marib

الأحد 08 مارس - آذار 2020 الساعة 02 صباحاً / Marib


UN Special Envoy for Yemen Martin Griffiths met on Saturday representatives of the different political parties, CSOs, women, and youth groups in Marib province.


The representatives have told Griffiths that the Iran-backed theocratic insurgents don't believe in peace and had "proven to the world that they don't believe in peace" and had a history of "diregarding every peace deal."

The activists said the militia exploit the government's ceasefires to replenish their fighters with new "recruits to start new rounds of conflict and perpetuate the horrendous abuses against the oppositionist Yemenis."

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