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الأحد 05 مايو 2024

KSR provides 50 Tuk-Tuk to help orphans, disabled people

السبت 31 أكتوبر-تشرين الأول 2020 الساعة 10 مساءً / Marib


Depuyy governor of Marib governorate Dr. Abd-Rabbu Meftah launched Saturday the distribution of 50 tuk-tuk to 50 persons including orphans, disabled and the poorest people.


These auto rickshaw taxi provided by the Kuwaiti Society for Relief (KSR) within the relief campaign " Kuwait Stands With You".

This humanitarian assistance intended to help 50 families to earn their own breads and improve their living conditions.


Dr. Meftah voiced deep thanks and gratitude to the government and people of the State of Kuwait for their support for Yemen and the Kuwaiti humanitarian interventions in different fields and Yemeni regions.

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