آخر تحديث:- منذ 09دقيقة
السبت 27 يوليو-تموز 2024

Al-Arada, meets presidency of Consultation and Reconciliation Commission

السبت 01 أكتوبر-تشرين الأول 2022 الساعة 11 مساءً / Marib



Member of the Presidential Leadership Council, Major General Sultan Al-Arada, met today with the Presidency of the Consultation and Reconciliation Commission, to discuss the latest developments and the role of the Commission in strengthening the efforts of the Presidential Leadership Council.


Al-Arada heard from the Chairman of the Consultation and Reconciliation Commission, Muhammad Al-Ghaithi, and his deputies, Abdul-Malik Al-Mikhlafi, Sakhr Al-Wajeeh, Jamila Raja, and Akram Al-Amiri, about what the Commission has accomplished during the past period, whether with regard to the commission’s regulations and working mechanisms, or in order to work to unify and gather national forces in order to achieve the restoration of the state and its institutions.


Al-Arada stressed the centrality of the role of the commission and that it would carry out its tasks more effectively, by helping to overcome any disagreements, and working on the priority of the national battle with the militia, economic stability and societal peace in the liberated governorates, and strengthening the state’s presence in various fields and governorates.

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