العرادة يوجه شركة صافر برفع كميات الوقود الخام لمحطات كهرباء عدن
جامعة إقليم سبأ تكرم 172 من أوائل طلابها خلال العام الجامعي 2023م - 2024م
جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا بمأرب تكرم أوائل الطلبة والمبرزين
تنفيذي مأرب يناقش تقارير أداء مكتبي الصحة والصناعة والتجارة
ندوة توعوية توصي بإنشاء مركز متخصص لعلاج الأورام السرطانية بمأرب
الوكيل الباكري يدشن برنامج الرخصة الدولية لقيادة الحاسوب (ICDL) بمأرب
شرطة محافظة مأرب تدشن العام التدريبي للعام 2025 بعرض عسكري رمزي
Major General Sultan al-Arada, Vice President of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC), has called for unity and mobilization to enhance security and stability in the country.
During a meeting with military officials, including the chief of staff, local authority, and popular resistance leaders in Marib, Al-Arada urged support for the armed and security forces to enhance security and stability, preventing any plots or attempts to undermine security and social peace.
At the meeting's outset, Maj. Gen. al-Arada congratulated attendees on the fifty-sixth anniversary of national independence and conveyed greetings from Dr. Rashad Mohammad al-Alimi, PLC Chairman, and Council members. Al-Arada emphasized the imperative for heightened vigilance, increased readiness, and determination among the armed and security forces, local authority, popular resistance, and political and social components. He underscored the necessity of steering clear of political disputes and media conflicts.
Al-Arada highlighted the crucial role of unity in overcoming challenges and actively contributing to the construction and safeguarding of the country and its interests. Al-Arada pointed out the difficult humanitarian and economic conditions facing Yemen, as well as the damage caused by the war to infrastructure and social fabric. However, he stated that the Yemeni people have the strength and resilience to overcome these challenges. He called on all parties to put aside their differences and work together to protect the country and its interests.
Al-Arada stated, "It is clear that our country is going through exceptional circumstances due to the wars waged by the Houthi militia in all governorates, and the resulting humanitarian crisis and economic situation caused by targeting the oil export ports and destroying the infrastructure and public and private properties, especially the social fabric." "In Marib, we have remained steadfast for years, making significant sacrifices for the nation, the Republic, and honor.
"Our resilience has allowed us to face challenges and thwart conspiracies because our project is national, our cause is just, and our goals are noble. With the backing of all honorable individuals, we are committed to working diligently to protect and preserve our national achievements and principles," he added.
Notably, he highlighted the significant concessions made by the government and political leadership in pursuit of a comprehensive and equitable peace in the country. In contrast, the militias responded with increased stubbornness, revealing their lack of seriousness in pursuing peace.