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الأحد 06 أكتوبر-تشرين الأول 2024

Al-Arada Inaugurates Saudi-Funded Health & Education Projects

الثلاثاء 19 مارس - آذار 2024 الساعة 10 مساءً / Marib Governorate


Vice President of the Presidential Leadership Council and Marib Governor Sultan al-Arada inaugurated three critical health and education projects in the governorate on Tuesday, all funded by the Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen (SDRPY).

VP al-Arada, accompanied by Lt. Gen. Sagheer bin Aziz, the Chief of General Staff, and Ali al-Dawsari, the Director of the SDRPY Office in Marib Governorate, unveiled the Magnetic Resonance Unit at the Marib General Hospital Authority. The unit was equipped with the latest medical equipment and devices, at a total cost of two million dollars.


Additionally, al-Arada launched a project to distribute six ambulances provided by the Saudi program to support various medical facilities across the governorate.

Alongside Dr. Mohammad al-Qadsi, the President of the University of Sheba Province, VP al-Arada inaugurated several study halls at the university, furnished with administrative and office supplies funded by the Saudi program.

During his visit, VP Sultan al-Arada engaged in discussions with the Director of the Saudi Program Office, focusing on the program's activities, ongoing projects, and the plan for the current year, 2024.


Al-Arada expressed his appreciation for the humanitarian and developmental contributions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its leadership, as well as their support for their Yemenis during these challenging and exceptional circumstances. He commended the Kingdom's continuous assistance, which encompasses diverse vital sectors through numerous humanitarian and development projects and programs.

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