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الأحد 05 مايو 2024

Tourism deputy minister inspects damages affected Braqish historic city

الخميس 04 أكتوبر-تشرين الأول 2018 الساعة 07 مساءً / MARIB

Deputy Minister of Tourism Ahmad Bahih, along with Director of Monuments Department in Marib Mabkhout Mohtam, inspected on Tuesday damages hit the historic city of Braqish over Houthi war, which targeted historical sites.

During the visit, the Deputy Minister denounced the damages hit the historic city, which is considered one of the key international tourist destinations.

Houthis changed the city into headquarter for the military operations, weapon stores and detention cell, where detainees are tortured by their militants.

When the national army advanced for regaining the site, Houthis used the city as barricades and looted huge numbers of antiques.

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