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الثلاثاء 21 مايو 2024

Fatah calls international organizations to help Jawf's displaced people

الجمعة 06 مارس - آذار 2020 الساعة 12 صباحاً / Marib


Minister of Local Administration, the Head of the Supreme Relief Committee Abdulraqeeb Fatah has called upon international organizations working in humanitarian field to shoulder their responsibilities for facing humanitarian crisis caused by Houthi militia and displacing people from Jawf and Nihm into Marib province.


Presiding over a meeting for international organizations in Marib on Thursday, Fatah stressed that the relief work must be active and parallel to the size of the increasingly displacement to Marib province, which is facing burden to host big numbers of displaced people, calling these organizations to frankly denounce Iran-backed Houthi militia's crimes of targeting civilians.


He also stressed that these organizations should re-evaluate their relief activities in Marib, which receives huge numbers of displaced persons from different provinces and to establish a center in the province containing stores for different types of humanitarian aid to be able to implement emergency response.

He confirmed that the humanitarian situation in Yemen is catastrophic, citing UN organizations' reports.


He called the international organizations to transform their work into the second phase of humanitarian response plan, represented in improving livelihoods and carrying out labor-intensive projects. "If we want to solve the catastrophic humanitarian situation in Yemen, we should cure its reasons; Houthi militia armed coup against the state's institutions" said Minister of Local Administration.


"Regaining the state's institutions, handing over weapons and realizing peace in accordance with the internationally agreed upon references," he added.

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