ندوة بمأرب تؤكد أهمية الاحتفاء بثورة 26 سبتمبر وتدعو لتوسيع مظاهرها الاحتفالية جامعة إقليم سبأ تحتفل لاستقبال طلابها المستجدين منظمة بريطانية تدشن مشروع التغذية المدرسية في 5 مدارس بمأرب العرادة يكرِّم طالبين من أوائل الجمهورية في اختبارات الثانوية العامة بمأرب ورشة للتعريف بمشروع الحلول التنموية القائمة على أساس مناطق النزوح بمأرب العباب يفتتح أول مدرسة متخصصة بتعليم المكفوفين في مأرب لقاء بمأرب يناقش إنشاء مركز متخصص لعلاج الأورام السرطانية في المحافظة
The local authority in the Governorate of Marib welcomed on Thursday the opening of an independent office by the french organisation, Solidarités International, in the governorate and its appointed director affiliated with the organisation's headquarters in France.
This came during a meeting of the Governorate's Undersecretary, Dr. Abd Rabbuh Moftah, and the Director of the Executive Unit in the governorate, Saif Muthanna, with the Director of the organisation's office in the governorate, Morgan Yance Singh, on two separate occasions.
During the two meetings, Undersecretary Moftah and Saif Muthanna received from the international official the decision to appoint her as the director of the Solidarités International office in Ma’rib governorate. She affirmed that the decision to appoint her came in response to the local authority's call to the United Nations and international organizations to establish an independent humanitarian center in the governorate.
Undersecretary Moftah discussed with the organisation's office director the humanitarian partnership between the local authority and the organisation as well as means of strengthening it. He also reviewed with her the humanitarian crisis and the situation of the displaced and the host community in the governorate. He pointed out the size of the existing humanitarian gap in the governorate in addition to the increasing basic needs of the displaced due to the deteriorating economic situation, the declining intervention of humanitarian action partners and the continuation of displacement to the governorate.
Meanwhile, the Director of the Executive IDPs Unit in Marib, Saif Muthanna, discussed with the french official the mechanisms for expanding the organisation's interventions and humanitarian projects in the governorate in the sectors in which it operates, most notably food, water, shelter and cash assistance. He also stressed the necessity of the organisation's contribution in fulfilling part of the large needs in the governorate, as it includes more than 62 percent of the displaced in Yemen, adding that this poses a challenge that threatens a humanitarian crisis amid the continuing decline in interventions by humanitarian action partners.