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السبت 18 مايو 2024

Marib local authority ,IOM discuss humanitarian situation

الإثنين 01 مارس - آذار 2021 الساعة 01 صباحاً / Marib

Deputy goveror of Marib Abd-Rabu Miftah has stressed the imperative of providing relief aid to the IDPs re-displaced by the Houthi militia

 Miftah said in a meeting with the deputy director of the IOM mission in Yemen today that international organizations should assume their role in providing humanitarian and relief aid to the IDPs who recently arrived to Marib’s city fleeing a Houthi military offensive in their IDP camps in the governorate’s outskirts.

Miftah said thousands of IDPs have to leave after their camps in Serwah, Madghal and Raghwan outskirt districts came under Houthi bombardment.

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