Last Updated:- Ago 33 Minute
Friday 27 September 2024

Topics - Local

Security forces thwart Houthi smuggling of ancient statues .

Marib Boxing Team participates in the championship of love and peace in Mukalla

Vice President arrives Marib,discusses with military commanders finalizing liberation

Marib’s police seizes arms shipment en route to Houthis

Education office in Marib commemorates National Environment Day

Marib Deputy Governor launches campaign to control food prices

IOM begins field study to assess IDPs’ needs in Marib

Undersecretaries of MOI inspect Immigration and Passports Authority Dep. in Marib

Undersecretaries of MOI inspect Immigration and Passports Authority Dep. in Marib

Al-Mahra Governor receives aid convoy from Marib

Al-Mahra Governor receives aid convoy from Marib

Marib dispatches medical and relief convoy to Al Mahara  

Marib's Deputy Governor receives the Swedish Envoy to Yemen

Marib celebrates the 55th anniversary of 14 October Revolution

Marib Electricity Station to be equipped with 2 transformers

Al-Makhelafi , Madani inspect the police stations in the capital of the province

Marib security seizes 200 kg of Hashish

Cabinet praises Marib authority’s efforts to normalize situations

Marib's Executive Office calls on international health organizations to offer medical aid

Arab Coalition grants 360 thousand liters of diesel for Yemen highway rehab

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